ISI 2012-16. Eriospermum pubescens Jacq

This curious winter grower produces cordate leaves, densely white-hairy on the underside, from much-branched, stoloniferous tubers. We received it in 1992 and the tubers have gradually proliferated from a single plant. The flowers are inconspicuous and ephemeral, so much so that we’ve never noticed them. However, it has formed a few of the hairy seeds characteristic of the genus. We offer divisions of HBG 73604, collected by Michael Vassar (5701), ca. 8 km E of Rawsonville, W. Cape, S. Africa. $10.

Photo © 2012 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 84 (2), March - April, 2012