ISI 2017-16. Gasteria glauca van Jaarsveld

Described in the Cactus and Succulent Journal (70(2): 65) in 1998, it is surprising that this gasteria is not seen in more collections as it offsets prolifically. This is in contrast to the related G. ellaphiae from which G. glauca also differs in its asperulous, glaucous leaves and larger flowers borne on unbranched racemes. We offer divisions of HBG 104816, van Jaarsveld & Welsh 14670, collected from sheer, south-facing cliffs along the Kouga River, east of Guernakop, E. Cape, S. Africa. $8.

Photo © 2017 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 89 (3), May-June, 2017