ISI 2020-5. Ferocactus robustus (Pfeiffer) Britton & Rose Out of Stock

As the common name “barrel cactus” implies, most ferocacti have solitary, barrel-shaped stems. Ferocactus robustus is unusual in the genus in having smaller, globular heads of fairly uniform size (about 4" diameter) offsetting to form clumps to a meter (or several) across. Its range is restricted to the southern Mexican states of Puebla, Oaxaca, and Veracruz but often at higher elevations that experience some frost. Therefore, the species is quite hardy and has proven to be a durable landscape component in many a cactus garden. We offer HBG 134704, plants from seed collected at the surprisingly diverse habitat known as “Derek’s Hill” after the late Ferocactus authority Derek Bowdery, in northern Oaxaca near the Veracruz border at about 8000' elevation. $7.

Photo © 2020 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 92 (2), Summer 2020