ISI 2022-27. ×Gasteraloe ‘Milk Drop’ J. Trager

This tightly clumping plant has rosettes to 4" diameter with broad crème de menthe margins and a wide, dark green midstripe with paler tubercles. The aristate leaf apex suggests Aloe aristata parentage but the Gasteria parent is unknown. The cultivar name was suggested by the radial symmetry of the rosette reminiscent of that classic stroboscopic photograph of the splash created by a drop of milk captured by MIT engineer Dr. Harold Eugene Edgerton in 1957. We offer divisions of HBG 122834 from Seymour Linden. $10.

Photo © 2022 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 94 (2), Summer 2022