Here (as with Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, (ISI 2001-38) we encounter another name long misapplied in cultivation. The common and popular bear-paw cotyledon widely sold as C. ladismithiensis (frequently misspelled ladismithensis) is, in fact, Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. tomentosa. The two subspecies differ as follows: subsp. tomentosa has flatter leaves with 3-5 terminal teeth, those of subsp. ladismithiensis typically have only 1-3 teeth and are nearly round in cross section. More numerous small teeth may be apparent in subsp. ladismithiensis at first, but these seem to disappear as the leaf matures. Both subsp. have plump fuzzy leaves very pleasing to the touch and campanulate to urceolate orange flowers. Rooted cuts of HBG 69296, a plant collected Aug. 1988, by M. Wilkins (# 022), at 675 m. elev., at Sewefontein, about 60 km W of Ladismith, E. Cape, S. Africa. $5.50.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002