Most dudleyas do not thrive as far from the coast as the Huntington. Though only about 15 miles as the crow flies, the Huntington is situated in the San Gabriel valley, which experiences considerably more summer heat than at the coast, not to mention several light frosts in a typical winter. Yet this dudleya has proven to be as durable as it is attractive. It is a chalky white form of this often green species and grows as happily in the lower, colder part of the Desert Garden in full sun as it does in the dappled shade of a large sycamore tree in the upper garden, and it has continued to do so for many years. An interesting quirk is seen in the angularly hooked tip of occasional leaves, looking as though they have been sat on and bent. Rooted cuts of HBG 16598, a plant collected in 1962 by Otto Sokol on Anacapa Island, about 15 mi. off the coast of Port Hueneme, California. $5.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002