A member of the E. tirucali group but distinctive in forming a tree to 4 or 5 m with a flat-topped crown of branches reminiscent of various drylands acacias. It also differs from E. tirucali and other so-called coralliform euphorbias in the zig-zag structure and pubescence of its branches. When young these are usually slightly compressed and are therefore oval in cross section despite Rauh’s comment in the original description (BCSJ 13[4]: 128-133[1995]) that “all branches are circular in cross section”. The species is named for Kampon Tansacha, director of his own botanical garden in Chonburi, Thailand, called Nong Nooch Tropical Garden, home to a vast array of succulents, cycads and tropical plants. Rooted cuts of several clones of HBG 77053, plants grown from seed collected by the late H. Petignat in degraded Didieria-Adansonia forest, from trees growing in open grassy places about 30 km. E of Tulear, Madagascar. $7.50.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002