A distinctive and beautiful subspecies, though as John Pilbeam points out in Haworthia and Astroloba, A Collector’s Guide, it does not occur at Adelaide. Rather, von Poellnitz received specimens from W. E. Armstrong, who lived there. In any case, the plant is attractively studded with white tubercles, while the ground color of the leaves can be rich green if grown in shade; although tolerant of shade, it turns a ruddy brown color in bright light, even tolerating full sun. Rooted cuts of HBG 69141, a plant collected by J. Berdach (# 11161) on Vaalkrans farm, 2 km from Grahamstown toward Riebeek East, E. Cape, S. Africa. $5.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002