Vegetatively K. schwartzii is nearly indistinguishable from K. leptophylla (ISI 93-43) except that the upper surface of its leaves bears an adaxial groove while those of the latter are round in cross section. Rather than the bright pink flower heads of the latter, those of K. schwartzii are larger and colored more like those of the common orange K. stapeliiformis (synonym: Senecio stapeliiformis) but with an unusual pinkish tinge. These are borne on often arching peduncles to over a foot long. The roots are tuberous and eventually caudiciform. Longer leggier stems tend to develop a corky epidermis below, like that of the caudex, but, with occasional snapping off of the very brittle stems close to the caudex, these less attractive stem segments can be excised and are soon replaced by lush green growth. (However, it is not advisable to remove all of the green stems at once lest the caudex not regenerate.) Rooted cuts of HBG 77438, H. Schwartz & G. Powys 73K collected by Herman Schwartz, Oct., 1986, from the rocky slopes of Burole Mtn., near Sololo, Marsabit Dist., E. Province, Kenya. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002