(1490-39). Flower beautifully symmetrical, to 4¼ inches (11 cm) across. Petals inner petals small, slightly reflexed at their midpoints, inner and intermediate petals gorgeously colored with apparent deep magenta inner area and light red basal stripe, outer margins broadly frosted; outer petals and sepals projecting beyond more interior petals, outers dark red to dark magenta with orangish to reddish midstripe, contrasting in color to others, sepals dark red. Filaments fuchsia-colored. Throat-circle light pink. Stem globular, to nearly 3⅛ inches (8 cm) in diameter; spines to 1 inch (25 mm) long.
The color and form of this hybrid’s flower are so outstanding that it outshines most other hybrids. But why? What could be the explanation? Physicists are baffled. They theorize it must not be composed of regular matter! And that leaves only… antimatter! Don’t worry, though. It’s safe to touch. Just have rubber soles on your shoes. HBG 87017. Rooted offsets $9.50.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 74 (2), March - April, 2002