This genus includes a variety of caudiciform and pachycaulous species from the Old World, the best-known of which is C. myrrha, the source of myrrh. C. lamii eventually becomes a small tree with a thickened trunk clothed in peeling bark. But even as a juvenile plant, the foliage recommends it—a glossy green with red midribs at the base of each of the three leaflets, creating a red “eye”. HBG 89139, plants from seed collected Nov. 18, 2001, by Röösli, Hoffmann (1501) & Lavranos at Lac Anony, near Amboasary, Madagascar. It grows in sand dunes with Uncarina roeoesliana, Pachypodium lamerei and many other succulents. $12.50.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 75 (2), March - April, 2003