The full range of diversity in this genus is still being researched, so it should not come as a surprise that new populations do not always fit within those already described. Among the distinctive characteristics of this latest discovery are its dwarf, shrubby habit and its tendency to form a caudex early in life, a feature already evident in our chunky seedlings. HBG 89149, Röösli and Hoffmann 2100, from seed collected Nov. 30, 2000, in forest on tsingy limestone with Pachypodium decaryi, Euphorbia pachypodioides and many other succulents, 100 km S of Diego Suarez, Madagascar. $30.
Uncarina sp. nov. has been described as U. ankaranensis Ihlenfeldt (KuaS 55(6):148-154, 2004).
Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 75 (2), March - April, 2003