This species displays a crane-like combination of leggy awkwardness and grace. In the original description, Rauh related it to A. bakeri, but it differs from that dwarf Madagascan species in its lax rosettes of unspotted, strappy leaves. The flowers are similar, however, though more slender and colorful. These are borne in few-flowered racemes that are often subcapitate by virtue of abortion of the apex. The name is a Latinization of Ft. Dauphin, the French name for Tolanaro. Rooted cuts of HBG 90210, the type clone, a plant from A. Razafindratsira collected near Tolanaro, Madagascar where it grows with Pachypodium cactipes and Aloe schomeri on rocks. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 76 (2), March - April, 2004