This little known Madagascan species is a close ally of the more familiar A. conifera. The two are nearly indistinguishable vegetatively, but the inflorescence bracts of the latter are prominent, concealing the flower buds. A. betsileensis can be somewhat larger in leaf length and, therefore, size of rosette. Its inflorescences are at first simple as in A. conifera but three- to four-branched in older plants. The racemes are longer and showier, with orange buds opening yellow. Plants from controlled pollination of HBG 84598, J Lavranos (30045), G Barad, G James, M Kimnach and S Linden, collected 25 Oct 1995 from atop a 1340 m granite dome, 82 km along the sand road to Betroka, Madagascar. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 77 (2), March - April, 2005