Distinctly club-shaped when young, E. clava is eventually cylindrical to over a meter tall and with a somewhat shaggy look by virtue of the persistent peduncles. It is one of a group of about ten species that often have three bracts subtending the inflorescence rather than the usual two. It is surprisingly rare in collections despite its ease of cultivation and the fact that it is self-fertile. When grown outdoors with ample light and ventilation it maintains a compact form and blushes an attractive reddish color on the undersides of the stem tubercles. Plants from seed of HBG 70385, seed originally collected by Michael Vassar (4223), W of Grahamstown, E Cape, S. Africa. HBG 121754. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 77 (2), March - April, 2005