The typical variety of Huernia keniensis is well represented in stapeliad collections, as it is one of the more durable and easy to cultivate. Its trailing stems freely produce open funnel- or bowl-shaped flowers over a long season. This new variety is equally floriferous but differs in its distinctly globose-urceolate corolla. It is known only from the type clone that is now extinct in habitat due to road widening. Rooted cuts of HBG 91550, LE Newton 2927, collected 21 Dec 1985 (but not described until 1998, Asklepios 74:23), at 1950 m, in a rocky area at the edge of dense scrub, along the road to Mau Narok, 4 km N of Narok, Trans-Mara Dist., Rift Valley Prov., Kenya. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 77 (2), March - April, 2005