Described in 2004 in Cacti of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas, this new variety closely resembles a form of E. chloranthus, now considered a subspecies of E. viridiflorus. These two taxa have fine hair-like spination as seedlings, a feature lacking in other forms of E. viridiflorus. The flowers of var. canus are greenish-yellow and lemony fragrant resembling those of E. viridiflorus. Even when not in flower, the dense colorful red and ashen spination, makes this a worthy addition to a cactus collection. It also appears to be of easy culture and exceedingly tolerant of sun and heat. Gene Joseph of Living Stones Nursery reports that it grows happily at his nursery atop a rock in the full sun of Tucson, AZ! HBG 94010, from controlled pollination by G. Joseph of about seven clones collected Oct. 28, 1993, by A. D. Zimmerman (# 2858), at the type locality, Solitario, Presidio Co., Texas. $6.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 78 (2), March - April, 2006