M. schumannii was once placed in its own genus Bartschella because of its large pink flowers located at the top of the plant and for its thin-skinned fruits that often break off from the base rather than falling whole. Plants typically seen in cultivation have oblong, green, offsetting stems. The form offered here has compact, usually solitary, globular stems with prominent rounded tubercles and pale gray-green epidermis but the same showy flowers, nearly as large as the plant bodies, and if pollinated are followed by elongate, ornamental red fruits. It is found in the nursery trade as M. schumannii var. globosa, an unpublished name. The species is restricted to the cape region of Baja Calif. Sur, Mexico. HBG 94011. $5.
Mammillaria schumannii var. globosa Wolf. Othmar Appenzeller points out that this name was validly published in KuaS 38(6):147, 1987.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 78 (2), March - April, 2006