This recently discovered member of the E. milii complex looks like just another one of those when not in flower. Its inflorescences, however, are strikingly different, enclosed in a pair of beak-like red bracts 2 to 3 cm long, reminiscent of E. pedilanthoides or the tropical American Pedilanthus spp. It was just described in Haseltonia (11:1-16, 2005). HBG 94014, from controlled pollination of plants collected Dec. 4, 1996, by Röösli & Hoffmann (4896), S of Manja, Madagascar where it grows on tsingy limestone in forest with Uncarina turicana. $18.
Correction, published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal Vol. 79 (2), March - April, 2007
Frank Vincentz points out the correct spelling of the author’s name is Mangelsdorff (originally published as “Manglesdorf”).