More than two decades ago I obtained a piece of this kalanchoe hybrid from John Bleck when we were both involved in the Santa Barbara Cactus & Succulent Society. It has persisted at the Huntington, since most of my collection moved here with me in 1983, flowering regularly with no special care. Seymour Linden also obtained the plant from Bleck and hanging baskets brightened his shade house in winter with its vivid orange flowers, their color intensified by the outdoor light. Bleck divined the probable parentage as K. manginii × K. jongmansii, two species cultivated at the time. The hybrid combines the vegetative and floral characteristics of the two species. The cultivar name, published here for the first time, was suggested by S. Jankalski and is an obvious allusion to the flower color as well as to an orangery, a glasshouse or other sheltered place for over-wintering citrus or other tender plants. Every orangery should have an ‘Orangery’. Rooted cuts of HBG 94016. $5.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 78 (2), March - April, 2006