L. carnosa often possesses only two leaves that lie flat on the ground and in this collection bear raised purplish pustules reminiscent of Bantu body ornamentation. The inflorescences are freely produced spikes and bear magenta, zygomorphic flowers attractive to insect pollinators. Strictly winter-growing, the plants leaf out with the onset of cool fall temperatures and winter rainfall and die back to the subterranean bulb as temperatures rise in the spring. Ours are maintained in a shade house year round where frost is minimal and summer water sparing or non-existent. HBG 94017, from controlled pollination of J. Trager (97-30), S. Hammer & M. Opel, collected Aug. 7, 1997, from shallow sandy patches about 20 km ENE of Springbok, Omega Farm, N. Cape, S. Africa. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 78 (2), March - April, 2006