Gasterias are often indiscriminately hybridized in southern California by local hummingbirds. Therefore, open-pollinated seed (as opposed to that from controlled pollination) is rarely worth keeping or sowing. When set on a desirable species like G. armstrongii, however, one might be tempted to try some. That is the history of this new cultivar which appears to be a hybrid of G.nitida var. armstrongii and G. bicolor var. liliputana. The latter species lends its glossiness and dwarf, offsetting habit to the dark foliage-color of the former. This miniature clumper is deep green in shade but can blush a lovely bronze color with more light, hence the cultivar name. The rosettes of recurved leaves are at first distichous but become rosulate. Divisions of HBG 97466, one of a batch of mostly true seedlings from seed harvested by one of our more pugnacious volunteers whose wings beat nearly as fast as the pollinator. $7.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 80 (2), March - April, 2008