Some growers may be tempted to duplicate the bonsai-form of this species sometimes seen in shows. This requires diligence, and if that is lacking, O. pachypus would be a better choice, as it is a natural succulent bonsai. O. decaryi is very similar to that species vegetatively but wants to be a tree with a spindle-shaped trunk to 6 m or more tall. Within the confines of a pot, however, it is slow-growing and can be maintained within bounds for decades while one can appreciate its attractive features: the knobby bark, delightful deep-green to purplish pinnate leaves and, eventually, the small deep-red flowers. HBG 97492, plants from seed collected Nov 23, 2005 by Röösli & Hoffmann (2305) at Morombe, Madagascar. $12.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 80 (2), March - April, 2008