We received this offering as H. magnifica and it is certainly worthy of that epithet. However, current thinking places it as a variety of H. pygmaea. Bayer acknowledges a strong link between the two species and, in particular between our offering and H. magnifica var. splendens. The former differs mainly in its smooth, rather than tubercled, leaf surface found in the latter. We have attempted to initiate a number of clones in tissue culture with mixed success, but our clone # 2 has taken well and produced enough for this introduction. Its thick, retuse leaves take on a rich purplish-red cast in bright light. The undersides are slate gray with reddish infused bases while the flattened, upper surfaces bear a constellation of fine, white speckling on a field separated by reddish veins. Rooted offsets of HBG 108061, one of several plants from Steven Hammer grown from seed produced by controlled pollination of G. Marx 326, collected at Humor, about 24 km W of Mossel Bay, W. Cape, South Africa, near the Gouritz River Bridge (bungee jumping anyone!), not far from H. magnifica var. splendens. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 84 (2), March - April, 2012