We have been growing this plant since 1986 as C. cf. radians, now considered synonymous with C. cornifera. Either way, the spreading, tan to grayish radials spines, 12 to 18 in number (mostly 14 in ours), form symmetrical sunbursts that interlace and partly conceal the green globular stems. A single, stouter and darker, down-curved central may be present in some forms but is lacking here. Like many coryphanthas, the light-yellow flowers are fairly large (6 cm or more across) and often have red-filamented stamens that are sensitive to touch; they bend inward within a couple of seconds, ensuring that any visiting bee will be well-dusted with pollen. We offer HBG 108295, plants from self-pollination of HBG 56977, a plant collected by Ted Anderson (EFA 4966), July 16, 1979, at an altitude of about 1100 m, 20 km north of Cadereyta de Montes along highway #120 to Vizarrón, about 5.6 km south of Vizarrón, Querétaro, Mexico. $6.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 85 (2), March - April, 2013