This second Zimmerman hybrid for 2013 is named for its chameleon-like, seasonal color shifts. In summer, its rough, tuberculate, toothy leaves display diffusely intergrading shades of green with patches of translucent white as if glazed with sugar icing. The leaf edges are darker green, offsetting the white-toothed, irregularly serrate margins like those on the keeled heads of some chameleons. In late winter, the plants take on shades of pink and white, the serrate margins standing out even more next to the darker brownish edges. The parentage, like that of Aloe ‘Brown Betty’, is from seed of KG # 5 but with pollen from Aloe ‘Paul Hutchison’, a dwarf clumper with toothy leaves selected by Dick Wright. Rooted plants from tissue-culture of HBG 109997. $15.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 85 (2), March - April, 2013