This possibly new subspecies of K. streptantha likewise has simple, glabrous, succulent leaves. However, the leaf shape is ovate while typical K. streptantha is more elongate. In good light, the slightly scalloped margins, are ornamented with maroon blotches. Flowers of K. streptantha are typically bright yellow while ours have shorter, brick-red corolla tubes with flaring orange petals. The distinctively beaked petals give the buds the appearance of a cow’s udder. We offer rooted cuttings of several clones of HBG 106952, plants from seed collected Nov 8, 1997 by Röösli & Hoffmann (47/97), at Mandritsara, Madagascar, near a population of Pachypodium baronii. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 85 (2), March - April, 2013