This distinctive form was originally offered in 1986 as ISI 1681 with a statement that it was “distinct enough to be a separate taxon”. It is now finally distinguished as a cultivar of this arborescent species in the “stonecrop” family. Rather than creeping in rock crevices as that common name implies, this plant truly lives up to the epithet as it actually can grow to tree-like proportions of 3 m or more. The cultivar name was created by Colin Walker and was to be published in Cactus World, the journal of the British CSS, but Colin graciously deferred to having it published here instead. We offer rooted cuts of HBG 45419, a cutting collected Jan 27, 1981, by Bauml & Kimnach (#354) on Cerro de la Yerba, San Luis Atolotitlan, Puebla, Mexico. Myron Kimnach reports that a small cutting planted in his backyard has formed an eight-foot specimen in as many years. The accompanying photo of Myron admiring his plant was taken Feb 3, 2013. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 85 (2), March - April, 2013