This slow growing agave is known only from horticulture but is still uncommon in collections due to its slow growth. The long-lasting, diminutive, juvenile form is the source of the epithet pumila which means “dwarf”. After eight to twelve years, under favorable conditions, the plant matures into a stout, straight-leaved plant to 70 cm. (2') across which resembles other hybrids of Agave victoriae-reginae. This one is thought to be a hybrid with A. lechuguilla which lends it distinctive foliage color, gray-green with darker lines, to A. pumila. We offer plants from tissue culture of HBG 72739, a specimen received from Virginia Martin in 1992 who received it from Jack Catlin in 1983. $12.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 86 (2), March - April, 2014