Initially described as H. mcmurtryi, its clear affinity led Bayer to reduce it to a variety of the larger, usually more coppery-colored H. koelmaniorum. The smaller variety differs in its shorter, deltoid leaves, more prominent surface tubercles and higher degree of translucence. This offering has required a number of propagation efforts to produce enough to distribute. Initially, we received two batches of seed with the same locality information but collected respectively from a plant with larger, retuse leaves and another that was smaller and darker like H. atrofusca. The seedlings of both batches exhibited a nearly identical range of variation. Even combined, these two batches were too limited in number for an offering so have been supplemented with leaf propagation and tissue culture of numbered clones. Therefore, we offer plants of HBG 81825 and 81826, from seed and successive vegetative propagation. The original seed collection was made over a four-week period in the autumn of 1995 by Charles Craib in the hill country near Verena, about 30 km W of the type locality of Loskop Dam. This is the most northerly species of Haworthia, coming from Limpopo Prov., S. Africa. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 86 (2), March - April, 2014