The most prized of this genus of columnar cacti are those with glaucous, bluish epidermis. Among those, P. magnificus is one of the best, as its glaucousness is more persistent than most. Our material was grown from seed from Hilde Winter in May, 1965. Winter was the German seed distributor commemorated in the cactus genus Hildewintera, now generally subsumed in Cleistocactus. She was also chosen by her brother Friedrich Ritter as the distributor of his field collected seed. This collection was offered as P. supremus, an unpublished synonym of P. magnificus. We offer rooted cuttings of HBG 44135, FR 1345 from seed collected in NE Minas Gerais, Brazil, where it occurs at elevations from 250 to 800 m. $15.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 87 (3), May - June, 2015