The switched-at-birth saga of this aloe was described three years ago when a sibling hybrid A. ‘Evil Twin’ was offered as ISI 2013-13. As promised then, A. ‘Sophie’ would be released at a later date and, at last, she is ready to make her debut. While the differences between the two are subtle, they are nevertheless sufficient to allow them to be distinguished and to proclaim ‘Sophie’ to be superior on the following basis. The inflorescences are slightly shorter and the racemes are more distinctly capitate while those of ‘Evil Twin’ bear a few stray flowers along the peduncle below the capitate portion of the raceme that make for a less tidy display. The flowers of ‘Sophie’ are a brilliant lemon-yellow and can be produced several times a year. Once a plant is established it will start to bloom and, as basal offsets form around the parent rosette, it seems that there is almost always an inflorescence, coming or going, year-round. Rooted plants from tissue culture of HBG 77994. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 88 (3), May-June, 2016