There already exists a Haworthia ‘White Ghost’, a variegated selection of H. retusa var. acuminata which, as the varietal epithet implies, has pointed (acuminate) leaf tips. The plant offered here, while of similar ghostly white, has blunt, rounded leaf tips (reminiscent of the bald, rounded pate of the “Casper the friendly ghost” cartoon character) with prominent translucent windows and are tipped with the terminal bristle characteristic of H. cymbiformis var. obtusa of which this appears to be a selection. Divisions of HBG 119893, a plant received from Jerry Barad, August 30, 2002 but originally from Japan as a H. ‘Cuspidata’ hybrid, $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 89 (3), May-June, 2017