The genus Maerua belongs to the caper family (Capparidaceae) and ranges from Tropical Africa to India. It is noted as a genus but without any listed species in the Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Dicotyledons (Ed. Urs Eggli, 2002) with the following comment: “A genus of 50 (to 80 according to some sources) species, predominantly in Africa. … Succulence is poorly developed in a few species in the form of swollen tuberous rootstocks and/or slightly fleshy leaves.” This is a fairly accurate description of the plant offered here which has rather straight, pencil-thick branches emerging from a slightly caudiciform base. The 1.5 cm orbicular to ovate leaves are light green and somewhat fleshy. We offer rooted cuts of HBG 101310, a plant that came to us with the Seymour Linden collection (SL 94-6136) from Arid Lands Greenhouses, July 1, 1994, but without further data. $7.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 89 (3), May-June, 2017