William Hertrich, who is commemorated with this new aloe cultivar, was a consummate plantsman. It was Hertrich who first recognized the potential for the Huntington’s Desert Garden and convinced Henry Huntington of the value of such an endeavor. For this we owe him a considerable debt of gratitude for what became, and continues to be, one of the premier collections of its kind in the world. In his spare time from managing Huntington’s ranch and gardens, Hertrich dabbled with aloe hybridization. A number of his hybrids persist in the Desert Garden, even though Hertrich’s hybridization records do not. Gary Lyons, former Curator of the Desert Garden, thought it only fitting that Hertrich, a luminary in succulent horticulture, should be recognized with this cultivar which is probably of his own creation. Parentage is uncertain, but may include A. burgersfortensis, which this cultivar resembles in general appearance. This selection stands out for its tall (to 2 m), stately inflorescence in recognition of Hertrich’s place in horticulture, if not his stature (he stood about 5’6”). HBG 16446, plants from tissue culture of the original that has grown at the Huntington since ca. 1929. Since that time it has endured numerous frosts, some quite severe for our area, and now covers a portion of Desert Garden Bed 16. $7.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 90 (2), Summer 2018