The concept of this species has been broadened to include F. palmeri and F. brandegeei, but most botanists and collectors can’t help but be struck by the distinctness of Ficus petiolaris in the strict sense when applied to plants with bright red veins in the green to silvery leaves. These, combined with the charming caudiciform nature of juvenile plants, make this one of the most popular of caudiciform figs. In maturity, even when found clinging to steep rock faces, plants grow into semi-succulent trees. The caudiciform character can be maintained by keeping plants restricted to small containers and pruning judiciously, while the “rock-fig” look can be enhanced by training roots over rocks. The species in the broad sense is widespread in Baja California, as well as on the mainland from Chihuahua to Oaxaca. Fine red-veined plants can be seen in Oaxaca at the scenic El Boquerón canyon where one can view them during a pleasant stroll along the catwalk built along the side of the canyon. We offer HBG 134254, seedlings with nicely developing caudexes. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 90 (2), Summer 2018