Ledebouria socialis is one of the most beloved of succulent bulbs, often being one of the first plants to enter a budding collection. This will sometimes be under the synonym Scilla violacea, which was used until reclassification by Jessop in 1970. It provides a classic example of an epigeal bulb, i.e. one in which the bulbs grow above ground, rather than being subterranean like a tulip or most other bulbous plants. As a result of being exposed, the bulbs are protected from desiccation by brown, papery layers of tunic. In addition, the leaves are mostly evergreen, providing some shade to keep the bulbs from overheating in the sun. It is the foliage that is the primary attraction of this charming plant. The lanceolate leaves are silvery to varying degrees, depending on the clone, and are ornamented with purple spots. The addition of variegation that blushes pink makes the form offered here all the more colorful and desirable. Divisions of HBG 102382, a plant received from Jerry Barad in 2005 ex a collector in Thailand. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 90 (2), Summer 2018