The genus Peperomia consists of some 1600 species of mostly tropical American herbs, some of which are decidedly succulent terrestrials or lithophytes. Many others are epiphytes that may appear more delicate, but merit testing under drier conditions that succulents prefer. P. quandrangularis is one well worth trying for its attractive watermelon-striped leaves. In cross section these exhibit a thin, translucent layer over the green, chlorophyllous tissue, the beginning of succulence, as seen in many species to varying degrees. This tissue may help to diffuse light and dissipate more damaging wavelengths. We offer divisions of HBG 126734, ex Zurich Succulent Collection (ZSS 91 2298/0), originally collected by Nigel Taylor, Daniella Zappi and Urs Eggli (1448a) in Jan, 1991, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, ca. 20 km NE of Unaí, on a bambui rock outcrop. This also provides an example of conservation through propagation and distribution, as Zurich has lost this plant. So, phytosanitary and export permits permitting, we will be able to restore this plant to their collection. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 90 (2), Summer 2018