This species is best represented in cultivation by the type subsp. subinermis. Nearly spineless selections tend to be grown as these fit the feature implied by that specific epithet. However, a considerable range in spiny-ness is characteristic of the subsp. subinermis, and the subsp. ochoterenae tends to be spinier yet. Both subspecies have the same gorgeous yellow flowers with contrasting green stigma lobes. There is overlap of characteristics, but subsp. ochoteranae tends to have a higher rib count (8-11 rather than 5-10) and more central spines (1-4 vs. 0-1). Geographical range is the crucial distinction. Subsp. subinermis occurs more widely in the northern Mexican states of Sinaloa, Sonora and Chihuahua. Subsp. ochoteranae, on the other hand, is restricted to southern Sinaloa at lower elevations (up to 200 m vs. over 500 m) on bare rocks containing copper, suggesting a higher tolerance for that element. We offer later generation seedlings, HBG 135021, grown from material originally collected Feb 22, 1975, by Alfred Lau (771) at Cerro Culagua, Sinaloa, Mexico. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 91 (2), Summer 2019