This species is known to millions as the slope-stabilizing groundcover that turns hillsides throughout southern California hot pink in the spring. It is native to S. Africa, though its precise origin is said to be unknown. Therefore, the identity of this offering may be subject to correction, but with over 100 species in the genus and many of very similar appearance, it is hoped that authorities will weigh in on this one. We are able to provide locality information that may help with identification. We offer rooted cuttings of HBG 69189, from cuttings originally collected by J. Berdach (11218), July 27, 1990 on a low sandstone ridge on Stegmann Farm, ca. 25 km NW of Willowmore, E. Cape (near the border with W. Cape), S. Africa. Color coordinated attire not included. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 91 (2), Summer 2019