This species is unique among this largest genus of the dayflower family, Commelinaceae, for its furry leaves and more restrained growth than some of its more rampant relatives. In winter in our shade house it dies back to tight dormant buds but resurges in spring with its delightful, pettable foliage. The flowers are typical of the family with three equal petals of dark pink with white midstripes and prominent yellow anthers. We offer divisions of HBG 28092, a plant collected on a Huntington expedition May 22, 1971, by M. Kimnach and G. Lyons (1399) at 2100’ altitude, 14.9 mi along the road from Highway 85 to Rayones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 91 (2), Summer 2019