ISI 2021-10. Aloe kilifiensis Christian

Native to southeast Kenya and adjacent northeast Tanzania, this coastal species grows on coral rocks up to 380 meters altitude. It is distinguished by its dark red, glossy flowers, though, according to Euphorbia and Aloe authority Susan Carter, these give way to paler flowers at higher altitudes. We offer tissue cultured plants of HBG 82978, UCBG 68.0330, a collection made by Peter Bally, apparently at a lower altitude based on its flower color. The species is named for the Kilifi District of the Coast Province of Kenya. The Bally clone also stands out in our shade house for the pinkish coloration of the foliage during winter. $10.

Photo © 2021 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 93 (2), Summer 2021