We offer six different clones under separate ISI numbers (see below), listed for aid in tracking the accessions and their respective clones. Various new Sulcorebutia names have been described in the last couple of decades by European explorers. They recognize variants within this wonderfully variable Bolivian genus which are then promptly synonymized by other European taxonomists. Therefore, Sulcorebutia dorana has been synonymized as S. purpurea var. dorana, S. mentosa subsp. mentosa, and Weingartia dorana. The taxonomic dust has not yet settled in this debate, so we are using the original name published for this collection in the German journal Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten in 2003 (KuAS 54(2): 29-34). The flowers are the typical magenta of the genus. Images can be found on the web, for example: Weingartia dorana HJ807. However, this taxon is distinctive for its pectinate clusters of stout spines creating a network of appressed radials, while central spines are solitary or lacking. The new spination is a particularly attractive, translucent caramel color. We offer divisions of several accessions but all are grown from seed from controlled pollination of the type collection by Hansjörg Jucker (HJ 807) made at 2900 m elevation, on Cerro Cruz Punta, northwest of the town of Challcha, Oropeza Province, Department Chuquisaca, Bolivia. The species is named for Jucker’s partner, Dora Frey.
- ISI 2022-6. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG141099. $10.
- ISI 2022-7. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG 141100. $10.
- ISI 2022-8. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG 141101. $10.
- ISI 2022-9. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG 141102 (central spine). $10.
- ISI 2022-10. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG 141103. $10.
- ISI 2022-11. Sulcorebutia dorana Gertel. Divisions of HBG 141104. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 94 (2), Summer 2022