Echeveria nodulosa is a fairly common Oaxacan species. It is variable in the degree of leaf coloration, sometimes being solid gray-green, but more typically ornamented with purple margins and markings. This cultivar is one of the most colorful in that spectrum. It can be almost solid, velvety burgundy. It has been available in cultivation under the unflattering cultivar name of ‘Bump’ because it occasionally produces a stray caruncle on the leaf surface. The name offered here is a transliteration from four Japanese characters: Maru (round), ba (leaf), beni (red) and Tsukasa (high class or valuable). We offer rooted cuttings of HBG 104108, ex Norma Lewis in 2010, originally imported from Japan by Renny Wong. $30.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 94 (2), Summer 2022