This is considered by Mammillaria authority John Pilbeam to be one of the most attractive of the subgenus Dolicothele. It bears the bright-yellow, often lemony-scented, flowers of that group on heads to 5 cm (2 in) in diameter, each with about 20 conical tubercles crowned by clusters of slender, bristly spines. Clumps in habitat can reach 50 cm (20 in) in diameter. The species is native to southern Texas and adjacent Tamaulipas, Mexico. We offer HBG 133284, seedlings from controlled pollination of plants from cuttings taken decades ago (1970 and 1982). Both collections were made at the same locality: in Cameron County, Texas, along Hwy. 4, ca. 7 mi W of Boca Chica Beach, near Brownsville. Seed was sown in May and July of 2018. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 95 (2), Summer 2023