The list of authors for this taxon is longer than the plant itself, a diminutive bulb with filamentous foliage. The bulbs may reach 2 cm (3/4 in) ling and the thread-like leaves may be more than 15 cm (6 in) long but in good light curl from the tips into tightly spiraled ringlets. This keeps the leaves closer to the bulb and can act as condensing coils, collecting moisture from dew and fog which then drips into the root zone of the plant. This is reason enough to grow this charming miniature but then there are the flowers. Each petal bears the green midstripe typical of the genus, but the rest of the petal is yellow, rather than the usual white. We offer divisions of HBG 128968, a plant received from former Huntington BG Director, Myron Kimnach, July 10, 2014. $10.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 95 (2), Summer 2023