Native to the afro-montane forests of eastern S. Africa, Crassula sarcocaulis is one of the hardiest crassulas. Its habit, subshrub or treelet, lends it to bonsai treatment or use as a vertical element in a dish garden. It is named for its succulent stems (sarco from Greek meaning flesh). Typically, it bears white flowers in a rounded corymb right at the tips of the foliage. The form offered here, however, has dark, reddish buds with spreading white petals. The cultivar name ‘Ken Aslet’ has been applied to such a form but it is not clear if that is what we have here or if there are other pink-flowered forms with which that may be confused. We offer rooted cuttings of HBG 122420, a plant acquired from a local collector without further information. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 95 (2), Summer 2023