This vigorous hybrid has long been grown at the Huntington. So long, that it has crawled away from any label it might have had. Its true identity only came to light recently as a result of the misapplication of the name to ISI 2022-28, which is, in fact, Graptopetalum ‘Snow White’ (see correction here). The real ‘Ghosty’ is similar to its parent Graptopetalum paraguayense, commonly known as ghost plant — so much so that it is sometimes offered in nurseries as that species. The Sedum parent is uncertain but may be S. treleasii which would explain the yellow flowers of the hybrid. This Sedum would also explain the tendency of leaves to persist and stack into somewhat columnar rosettes. The newer leaves are ghost-plant-gray while older leaves lower on the rosettes blush apricot-pink. This is a vigorous and durable hybrid accounting for its wide usage in landscaping. We are pleased to have finally learned its name and offer rooted cuttings of HBG 142361. $7.