Sinocrassula is a small genus of 14 species of diminutive rosette succulents native from the Himalayas to China and Vietnam. Sinocrassula densirosulata is more restricted, to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China. It forms carpets of compact rosettes 2 to 4.5 cm diameter (to 2 ¼ in) of olive-green leaves with intricate patterning in red. With good light and sufficient winter chill, this red can become the dominant color. Inflorescences are described as short, 4.5 to 10 cm (to 4 in) tall, and broadly rounded. However, in the greenhouse where we have been propagating this plant, inflorescences elongate and sprawl to over 60 cm (2 ft)! The flowers are urceolate with spreading, cream-colored petals, forming a star, but tinged pinkish by the dense red mottling that shows through from the backs of the petals. The even darker red sepals overlay the paler margins of the petals so the entire inflorescence presents as red, dotted with pale stars. We expect this plant to be amply hardy outdoors in our climate where it should color up even more. Given its temperate origins it may also prove to be hardy in much colder zones than ours. We offer divisions of HBG 126480, acquired from Jerry Barad’s estate in May of 2016. $8.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 95 (2), Summer 2023