ISI 2024-3. Echinopsis ‘Citron Sunshine’ J. Schoustra

One of the best Echinopsis (in the broad sense) hybrids is E. ‘Flying Saucer’ selected by Hans Britsch of Western Cactus Growers, one of the larger wholesale cactus and succulent nurseries in that mecca of cactus horticulture, Vista, CA. It has short (under 2’), stout (4” or more in diameter) columnar stems by virtue of parentage from the Trichocereus lineage. It is propagated vegetatively and is sparingly available to collectors. The market success of ‘Flying Saucer’ with its gargantuan flowers (to 10” across) stimulated an invasion of unnamed hybrids of similar parentage distributed through big box stores where the discerning collector or gardener could pick up something spectacular that might merit naming and further distribution. That opportunity for selection presented itself to the late Joan Citron who sadly passed in January 2024 before the naming and distribution of the plant named in her memory and introduced here as E. ‘Citron Sunshine’. It produces massive (to 6” or more across), brilliant yellow flowers with a lovely fragrance upon first opening. Joan shared offsets with a few LA area growers including nurseryman John Schoustra (known as “the tallest man in horticulture” in reference to his 6’7” frame). John thought it would be nice to honor Joan with the distribution of this plant that he named ‘Citron Sunshine’, an affectionate reference to Joan’s usually no-nonsense demeanor concealing a heart of gold. Rooted cuts of HBG 144193. $35.

blooming in the garden
Photo © 2024 by John N. Trager. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 96 (2), Summer 2024